Immerse yourself in a world of creativity, curiosity, and wonder, as the 5th and 6th grade students at Hope Town Primary School take you on a year-long journey of discovery. Get ready to explore the magic of Hope Town though their eyes via captivating articles, thought-provoking interviews with community members, insightful reflections and creative storytelling….all crafted by our talented young writers!

Pivoting towards a new goal
hope colling hope colling

Pivoting towards a new goal

Our talented bloggers at HOPE TOWN PRIMARY SCHOOL are embarking on a thrilling new project! Get ready to be amazed as these young authors showcase their imagination and creativity as they take us on a journey filled with fascinating characters, heartwarming tales, and an unexpected adventure they’ll never forget!

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School Safety at HTPS
hope colling hope colling

School Safety at HTPS

A fire drill at HTPS helps the students learn fire prevention and safety! Thank you Hope Town Volunteer Fire and Rescue officers Chief Troy Prichard and Deputy Chief Stafford Patterson for taking the time out of your day to teach the students and staff about fire safety and prevention!

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What’s new at HTPS this year?
hope colling hope colling

What’s new at HTPS this year?

In this week’s class we learned about the 5W1H method in journalism (who, what, when, where, why and how) and how to use these questions as the basis for establishing an account of events. The students put this to use by collectively writing about their experiences working on the school mural- with a little help filling in the gaps.

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